That didn’t turn out like I planned. A couple trips around the sun ago, I stopped daily blogging, intending to go deeper into selected topics on this Humble Blog and turbocharge this website, making it a more complete resource for local broadband development. Instead, my business took a different turn, towards ventures of my own. So there have been no new blog posts and little updating since then.
Going forward, this blog and website will continue. There are a lot of resources, data, analysis and ranting insightful commentary that may be useful, with a bit more (probably) being added in the near future. I’m downsizing the server, and will eventually convert everything to static content (instead of the current WordPress platform). At that point, Steve Blum’s Blog and the Tellus Venture Associates website will be a completed work. But that’s probably a few months down the line.
Another change I’ve made is to release the content of this blog and web under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. I maintain ownership of the content, but anyone is welcome to use it so long as the minimal conditions of the Creative Commons license are met.
The major requirement is attributing my work to me, which should be simple professional courtesy. But it’s a legal necessity too. You can read the full set of conditions by clicking the link on the copyright statement at the bottom of the page. None of that applies, of course, to public domain content or work done by others that I’ve linked to or included on the Downloads section of this site. It just applies to my work.
I’m not completely out of the broadband development business. Some projects continue, and I might be writing about them as time goes on. But my professional efforts will focus on developing new ventures for myself and my partners. For now, I’ll be doing that in Reno, Nevada, where I now live and work. Long term, I plan to extend those interests to New Zealand, where I hope to be spending most of my time. Venturing into new territory – geographically, professionally and intellectually – has been a constant source of enjoyment and satisfaction over my career, and I will continue on that journey.
Thank you, Gentle Reader, for taking that walk with me on this Humble Blog and elsewhere. I look forward to when – not if – our paths cross again.