Here’s to another year!
A huge thank you to everyone who has clicked, complained, complimented or commented on this blog over the past year. I’ve enjoyed all the interactions and suggestions received. As I wrote last Christmas, the true reward for a writer is to be read, and this has been a rewarding year indeed.
It’s been two years of daily blogging, at least one post a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Looking ahead though, I have some changes in the works. Weekend posts will be less frequent, and during the work week I want to get news out sooner. Net result should be more, fresher and, many times, shorter posts.
To that end, I’ll be working on a redesign over the next week. Don’t know how it’ll turn out – depends on how well I can wrangle code over the holiday. Part of the makeover will be to move from a hybrid Rapidweaver/Wordpress platform to WordPress only, with a greatly simplified design for the main website and an update section on the blog. I plan to do all this without a major change in the overall look – I like the current minimalist design. If anything, I hope to make it simpler.
There will be times over the next week when the site will look a little weird, or maybe even be down altogether. I apologise in advance for any bloopers along the way.
But I’m just assuming this will all be a benefit to you. So any thoughts you have about how either this blog or the main website can be made more useful would be greatly appreciate. Just send me an email or leave comments below.
Again, thank you!