Last to first, realtime tweets from Showstoppers event at MacWorld in San Francisco, 5 January 2009…
- Advice to Truphone: go ahead, stick it to The Man!
- Truphone guy sez he’s heard about something called hacking somewhere but doesn’t know what it means. Really..
- I will try Truphone next week from New Zealand, if I can figure out how to load it on my hacked iphone.
- Drobo showing usual data back up stuff, it’s good but expensive, now offering a Linux NAS.
- Truphone, Skype potentially very disruptive to mobile model, Newber just seems complicated.
- Newber at Showstoppers again, integrates iPhone with landline service, adds biz line.
- Stellar Info Systems intros media content-specialized data recovery utility.
- Uclick might save editorial cartoonists. What have you done for the planet lately?.
- Uclick has neat app, puts newspaper cartoons, crossword puzzles on iPhone.
- Skype introducing screen sharing app, shares videos, powerpoints, spreadsheets, whatever.
- Skype now selling Boingo wifi access by the minute, paid via Skype account.
- Skype at MacWorld & Showstoppers too, Skype guy regarding iPhone app: “watch this space”.
- Truphone runs on other smartphones but first hop is via regular cellular network.
- Truphone only works via wifi connection, 3G blocked ’cause the The Man say so.
- At ShowStoppers, truphone is voip app & service for iphone, free or way cheap calls.
- One kid in line for tomorrow’s MacWorld keynote, being interviewed by 3 reporters.